About Me


Hi, readers! My name is Andre Luis Celestino, a Brazilian software developer with ten years of experience, a Bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences, and two graduations already completed.
I consider myself enthusiastic in Delphi, Agile, Software Engineering and Clean Code.
See below a timeline of my academic and professional achievements over the years.

  • In 2011, I presented a scientific paper about Agile Development at the 11º Congress of Scientific Initiation in Santos, Brazil.
  • In 2012, I launched my personal blog (this one you’re reading right now!) to share my knowledge and experiences.
  • In 2013, I wrote an article about Large-Scale Scrum (currently known as LeSS) as the final paper for my first graduation at Gama Filho University (UGF).
  • In 2015, I was certified as a SAFe Practitioner from the Scaled Agile institution and also acquired my Delphi Developer Certification from Embarcadero.
  • In 2016, I obtained the Scrum Fundamentals Certified Credential certification from Scrum Study.
  • In 2017, I was invited, proudly, to be part of the Embarcadero MVP program!
  • In 2018, I presented a paper about how to improve the calculation of Agile Teams’ velocity for SAFe for my second graduation at Cidade Verde University (FCV). Also, on this year, I started to take part in the Brazil Embarcadero Conference as a speaker.
  • In 2019, I helped organise and realize meetups about Delphi in my city (Maringá, Brazil), called “Delphi Ingá”.
  • In 2020, I obtained the Scrum Foundation Professional Certificate from CertiProf.
  • In 2021, I started my career as Software Engineer abroad.


Follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook and GitHub.
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy my posts!

Brazilian Portuguese

Olá, leitores! Meu nome é André Luis Celestino, desenvolvedor de software há 10 anos, graduado em Sistemas de Informação e com 2 pós-graduações na área de desenvolvimento de software.
Considero-me um grande entusiasta em Delphi, Agile, Engenharia de Software e Clean Code.
Veja abaixo uma timeline das minhas conquistas acadêmicas e profissionais ao longo dos anos:


Siga-me no LinkedIn, Facebook e GitHub.
Um grande abraço a todos!


André Celestino